Tumeric, Ginger, Tahini-Miso Glaze Pan Seared Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon


All salmon is not created equal.

Farmed raised salmon are kept in tight-nit pens where they are unable to swim, move around or use their muscles as they were designed to work.  Farmed salmon are fed grains, artificial coloring, growth hormones and a linty of pharmaceuticals. On the other hand, wild caught Alaskan salmon spends their lives in the open, swimming upstream and using all of sinews to work and expend energy. Wild salmon is high in Omega-3’s, which has been shown to lower risks of heart disease, LDL cholesterol, is low in inflammatory Omega – 6’s. Wild caught salmon is a one of the healthier sources of protein as well as being a great source of vitamins and nutrients, including Vitamins A, C, D, E, B-12 and niacin.

Now that you know that wild Alaskan salmon is optimal for your overall health, and especially for your brain health, let me teach you how to turn a piece of salmon into a superfood and mega-nutrient rich meal in only a few steps.

Why is this good for you?


Wild caught Alaskan salmon is a superfood, as discussed above. There is a major difference between farmed raised salmon and wild caught Alaskan Salmon. One is a super food, a nootropic, and the other is a neurotoxin, and incredibly harmful to your immune system.

It is so important to try to avoid farmed salmon, and even wild caught Scottish salmon.

Restaurants are now selling wild caught Scottish salmon and emphasizing the "WILD". In my opinion, this is almost criminal. Scottish "Wild" caught salmon usually are not released from the pens and freed into the wild and the fish contain large amounts of pesticides, neurtoxins, enviromental toxins, and other contaminants that are perilous to the human, brain, immune system, and overall health. 

In 2013, Scottish wild caught salmon was removed from the Marine Conservation Society 's (MSC) list of "fish to avoid" and changed to the list properly titled, eaten "very occasionally" list. 


This by no means that this fish is a health food, or even remotely good for you. When dining out to eat, especially at a high end, health conscious restaurant, make sure they are not serving WILD SCOTTISH salmon.

So we know to use wild caught Alaskan Salmon! Good!

But the turmeric, ginger, olive, oil, sesame seeds in the recipe are also packed with vitamins and nutrients. From the high levels of fat and ketones in the sesame seeds to the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, olive oil, and ginger, every bite of this meal is packed with powerful nutritional "magic", and energy.

Food is medicine, as Socrates so famously stated. And that Marry Poppins song, "A Spoon Full of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down" drives me nuts! 

Why do you need a spoon full of sugar in order to eat medicine? If your medicine, or vitamins and nutrients taste good, and satiates you, why do you need sugar?

Do you get my point?